A journey through the Tropics and Magic...

My name is Andrés Hidalgo, Colombian visual artist and founder of Tigre Índigo.

Born and raised in Colombia, a tropical country, I found myself living among banana trees, rivers and lush mountains throughout my life. This tropical environment, rich in life, shaped me and made me love nature from a very young age.

The other part of the story came from my family, I was born in a home that transmitted to me a certain sensitivity in the field of mysticism and occult energy. This influence later led me to immerse myself in mystical lands such as India, Morocco, Thailand and many others. These trips influenced my view of the world and the work I produce.

Now I seek to create an aesthetic universe that expresses my greatest influences: The Tropics and Magic , in mediums such as clothing, decorative objects and art.

And now I welcome you to this universe. (( ))